Caution: I just draft the stuffs that I remember in the lesson which are not included in the handout of the instructor, so hopefully I do not interpret and remember something incorrectly.
-buy bonds which are due at different periods
-traditional family Vs Single parent family > what are the differences except there is one more people in the family? (我咁記得呢句係因為我對呢對說話好有感覺)
-ROE= profit/equity
Simon's recommanded books :
- 投資學堂 = The investment workshop / 譚紹興著.
-On Competition by Michael Porter
>>>1. cost leadership 2. differentiation(quality/extra facilities) 3. Focus( specific skills)
>>>Porter's Five Forces
1. Bargaining power of Buyers 2. Bargaining power of Sellers
3. existing competitors 4. New entrants 5. Substitutes
extra info:
- Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy by Bill Gates
This was the last lesson...隔離飯香 I envy CUHK hotel school students who are taught by Simon. My best friend @ hotel school said he skipped his classes...what a waste...he is a good instructor and superman( I am wondering how he can do things so efficiently) know, although it is a 4-hour lesson and I am always tired, I never fall asleep.
I will have a long winter break and I know CU starts its spring semester much earlier than UST. If I am allowed to attend his lessons or follow him whatever during that period, it will be sheer bliss to me
Yeah!!! I have asked him and I am allowed to attend his lessons in January! Yeah! Follow him!
The only deplorable thing is that the exam of this course is coming very soon...
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it is yours; if it doesn't, it never was.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
《來參加巴菲特股東會》- Randy Cepuch
Frankly speaking, it is not as entertaining as I expected. (at least I didn't laugh when reading it and tedium prevails) It provides a small insight towards corporate governance and it shows specific company cultures to a certain extent and gives you some rough ideas of how the senior managers and directors performmed in different companies but overall it is not very precise and informative.
The idea that I can get from the book is ...a shareholder meeting may be a useful source of investment information, but only if shareholders pose intelligent questions and the managers and directors are willing to give forthright responses. Unluckily, this rarely happens. The Berkshire Hathaway meeting is one of a kind, but the author didn't write a lot about it. I guess it will be more insightful to read Warren Buffett's letters to his shareholders in the Berkshire Hathaway website.
The author is obviously a Buffettologist.
I read the translated version but some translations are blurred. Thus, I recommend one should read English Version if you can have a choice.
Points to note:
- Find the one you admire, and ask yourself whether you can be like him.
- The real asset of one can own is oneself, so invest more and add values to yourself
-The shares of Berkshire Hathaway : A & B shares
BRK.A (A share) > super expensive ( US$ 102350 on 14/11/09)
BRK.B(B share) > US $ 3,413.98 on 14/11/09
-A share> targets for long-term investor
-B share> used for avoid taxes, allow A-share holder to show partial shares ( price of 1 A share=30 B shares)
-A shares can be converted to B shares but not vice versa.
-Voting right of 1 A share= 1/200 B share
-Both A & B shareholders are invited to join the annual shareholders' meetings
A Weekend with Warren Buffett And Other Shareholder Meeting Adventures -Randy Cepuch
The book illustrates the author's experience of attending annual shareholders' meetings of a wide array of companies i.e. Berkshire Hathaway, Playboy, Starbucks, Disney, Microsoft,Google, Wal-Mart etc.
Frankly speaking, it is not as entertaining as I expected. (at least I didn't laugh when reading it and tedium prevails) It provides a small insight towards corporate governance and it shows specific company cultures to a certain extent and gives you some rough ideas of how the senior managers and directors performmed in different companies but overall it is not very precise and informative.
The idea that I can get from the book is ...a shareholder meeting may be a useful source of investment information, but only if shareholders pose intelligent questions and the managers and directors are willing to give forthright responses. Unluckily, this rarely happens. The Berkshire Hathaway meeting is one of a kind, but the author didn't write a lot about it. I guess it will be more insightful to read Warren Buffett's letters to his shareholders in the Berkshire Hathaway website.
The author is obviously a Buffettologist.
I read the translated version but some translations are blurred. Thus, I recommend one should read English Version if you can have a choice.
Points to note:
- Find the one you admire, and ask yourself whether you can be like him.
- The real asset of one can own is oneself, so invest more and add values to yourself
-The shares of Berkshire Hathaway : A & B shares
BRK.A (A share) > super expensive ( US$ 102350 on 14/11/09)
BRK.B(B share) > US $ 3,413.98 on 14/11/09
-A share> targets for long-term investor
-B share> used for avoid taxes, allow A-share holder to show partial shares ( price of 1 A share=30 B shares)
-A shares can be converted to B shares but not vice versa.
-Voting right of 1 A share= 1/200 B share
-Both A & B shareholders are invited to join the annual shareholders' meetings
Lesson Seven and Eight
Caution: I just draft the stuffs that I remember in the lesson which are not included in the handout of the instructor, so hopefully I do not interpret and remember something incorrectly.
- bank and property > related> risk diversification effect is not obvious
- Beta measures systematic risk Vs S.D and varience measure total risk
-Beta> no direction ( negative/ positive) is indicated
-Beta = 1 > only market return, Beta = 0 > only risk-free return, Beta >1 High risk, Beta<1 low risk - the implications of huge audit fee > large scale/ high risk of the firm
- stock market > no one can win forever, no always winning rules orelse no one is willing to invest since there must be a loser
- dividend increase drive the stock price increases ( hkmtr> stable dividend> the mtr properties have not yet generated a large cash flow)
- HS bank's dividend (11)> attractive , bank industry> D/E ratio> meaningless
- HKMTR - government is the largest shareholder> help mtr develop> a measure to reduce traffic accident but it is kind of another way to tax the public
- property > dividend payout, ROE, Debt to equity ratio
- steps to pick stock > fundamental analysis ( for elimination) should be prior to technical analysis
- Relative strength ( RSI) if it is high( e.g. 100%) > overbuy> the stock price will drop soon Vs if it is low, oversell> the stock price will go up soon
-acquire property > look for high liquidity> large-scale property + good developers
-issuer issues options, investment bank issues warrants
-one likes to be called by using his name
- if the director of the company can hardly manage their family well, whatelse can he make?
-risk control> should not spend more than one-tenth of your wealth buying one stock/depositing in one bank
- From Investopedia: I think this is 逆按揭
What Does Reverse Mortgage Mean?
A type of mortgage in which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home. No repayment of the mortgage (principal or interest) is required until the borrower dies or the home is sold. After accounting for the initial mortgage amount, the rate at which interest accrues, the length of the loan and rate of home price appreciation, the transaction is structured so that the loan amount will not exceed the value of the home over the life of the loan.
Often, the lender will require that there can be no other liens against the home. Any existing liens must be paid off with the proceeds of the reverse mortgage.
Investopedia explains Reverse Mortgage
A reverse mortgage provides income that people can tap into for their retirement. The advantage of a reverse mortgage is that the borrower's credit is not relevant, and is often unchecked, because the borrower does not need to make any payments. Because the home serves as collateral, it must be sold in order to repay the mortgage when the borrower dies (in some cases, the heirs have the option of repaying the mortgage without selling the home). These types of mortgages have large origination costs relative to other types of mortgages. These costs become part of the initial loan balance and accrue interest. Senior citizen borrowers with good credit should carefully analyze the options of a more traditional mortgage, such as a home equity loan, against a reverse mortgage.
This one is much more inituitive
- Reference website: ( statistics from lands department)
-Recommended books:
1) Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset,
2) Damodaran on Valuation: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance by Aswath Damodaran
3) A random walk down Wallstreet
4)Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications by John J. Murphy
5) Technical analysis explained: the Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points by Martin Pring
6) The Last Governor: Chris & the Handover of Hong Kong by Jonathan Dimbleby
7) East and West: China, Power, and the Future of Asia by Christopher Patten
8) The Spirit to Serve Marriott's Way by Jw Marriott and Adrian Zackheim
Only 2 more lessons to go :( ...
I definitely want to be taught by Simon again. I always believe that if the teacher is smart, the students can learn more and also be smart someday. Once again, I am always wondering when I can be as knowledgeable as him one day.
- bank and property > related> risk diversification effect is not obvious
- Beta measures systematic risk Vs S.D and varience measure total risk
-Beta> no direction ( negative/ positive) is indicated
-Beta = 1 > only market return, Beta = 0 > only risk-free return, Beta >1 High risk, Beta<1 low risk - the implications of huge audit fee > large scale/ high risk of the firm
- stock market > no one can win forever, no always winning rules orelse no one is willing to invest since there must be a loser
- dividend increase drive the stock price increases ( hkmtr> stable dividend> the mtr properties have not yet generated a large cash flow)
- HS bank's dividend (11)> attractive , bank industry> D/E ratio> meaningless
- HKMTR - government is the largest shareholder> help mtr develop> a measure to reduce traffic accident but it is kind of another way to tax the public
- property > dividend payout, ROE, Debt to equity ratio
- steps to pick stock > fundamental analysis ( for elimination) should be prior to technical analysis
- Relative strength ( RSI) if it is high( e.g. 100%) > overbuy> the stock price will drop soon Vs if it is low, oversell> the stock price will go up soon
-acquire property > look for high liquidity> large-scale property + good developers
-issuer issues options, investment bank issues warrants
-one likes to be called by using his name
- if the director of the company can hardly manage their family well, whatelse can he make?
-risk control> should not spend more than one-tenth of your wealth buying one stock/depositing in one bank
- From Investopedia: I think this is 逆按揭
What Does Reverse Mortgage Mean?
A type of mortgage in which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home. No repayment of the mortgage (principal or interest) is required until the borrower dies or the home is sold. After accounting for the initial mortgage amount, the rate at which interest accrues, the length of the loan and rate of home price appreciation, the transaction is structured so that the loan amount will not exceed the value of the home over the life of the loan.
Often, the lender will require that there can be no other liens against the home. Any existing liens must be paid off with the proceeds of the reverse mortgage.
Investopedia explains Reverse Mortgage
A reverse mortgage provides income that people can tap into for their retirement. The advantage of a reverse mortgage is that the borrower's credit is not relevant, and is often unchecked, because the borrower does not need to make any payments. Because the home serves as collateral, it must be sold in order to repay the mortgage when the borrower dies (in some cases, the heirs have the option of repaying the mortgage without selling the home). These types of mortgages have large origination costs relative to other types of mortgages. These costs become part of the initial loan balance and accrue interest. Senior citizen borrowers with good credit should carefully analyze the options of a more traditional mortgage, such as a home equity loan, against a reverse mortgage.
This one is much more inituitive
- Reference website: ( statistics from lands department)
-Recommended books:
1) Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset,
2) Damodaran on Valuation: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance by Aswath Damodaran
3) A random walk down Wallstreet
4)Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications by John J. Murphy
5) Technical analysis explained: the Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points by Martin Pring
6) The Last Governor: Chris & the Handover of Hong Kong by Jonathan Dimbleby
7) East and West: China, Power, and the Future of Asia by Christopher Patten
8) The Spirit to Serve Marriott's Way by Jw Marriott and Adrian Zackheim
Only 2 more lessons to go :( ...
I definitely want to be taught by Simon again. I always believe that if the teacher is smart, the students can learn more and also be smart someday. Once again, I am always wondering when I can be as knowledgeable as him one day.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
No wonder Steve Jobs is one of the greatest CEOs in the world. He is always like a magician and also a brilliant salesperson.
(明報)2009年11月7日 星期六 05:10
【明報專訊】由iPod到iPhone,蘋果旗下產品能大賣,除了這些新穎科技產品每每帶給人驚喜外,喬布斯的發布會演講亦功不可沒,他可說是最成功的企業推銷員。溝通專家加洛(Carmine Gallo)最近便分析了喬布斯演講時所用的7大技巧。
喬布斯在發布會上,喜歡為每件新產品配上標題,如在2008年他宣布推出MacBook Air時,他就以「全球最薄的手提電腦」為題。
建立敵人可以令觀眾都聚集在英雄(那就是你)的身邊。1984年,Mac機面世,當時蘋果的最大競爭對手是IBM 。喬布斯當年對蘋果銷售人員說﹕「IBM全部都想要」,但蘋果將是唯一能擋住這巨人的「英雄」。
神經學家發現,人的腦部在同一時間只能記住3或4組資料。喬布斯在每次發布會上,都將演講分為3部分。他在推銷產品時亦巧用這個「3」原則,07年1月,當他宣布推出iPhone時,就告訴觀眾有3件革命性產品要介紹——一部iPod、一部電話及一部互聯網通 訊器材。在重複這3件東西多次後,他又說:「你發現了嗎?這不是3件分開的產品,它只是一件,我們稱它做iPhone。」
喬布斯的發布會上總有高潮時刻,而那一刻總會成為全球之後數周的話題。如當年他介紹MacBook Air時,就從一個薄薄的公文袋中把它抽出,這一刻便令人非常難忘。
華盛頓 郵報
(明報)2009年11月7日 星期六 05:10
【明報專訊】由iPod到iPhone,蘋果旗下產品能大賣,除了這些新穎科技產品每每帶給人驚喜外,喬布斯的發布會演講亦功不可沒,他可說是最成功的企業推銷員。溝通專家加洛(Carmine Gallo)最近便分析了喬布斯演講時所用的7大技巧。
喬布斯在發布會上,喜歡為每件新產品配上標題,如在2008年他宣布推出MacBook Air時,他就以「全球最薄的手提電腦」為題。
建立敵人可以令觀眾都聚集在英雄(那就是你)的身邊。1984年,Mac機面世,當時蘋果的最大競爭對手是IBM 。喬布斯當年對蘋果銷售人員說﹕「IBM全部都想要」,但蘋果將是唯一能擋住這巨人的「英雄」。
神經學家發現,人的腦部在同一時間只能記住3或4組資料。喬布斯在每次發布會上,都將演講分為3部分。他在推銷產品時亦巧用這個「3」原則,07年1月,當他宣布推出iPhone時,就告訴觀眾有3件革命性產品要介紹——一部iPod、一部電話及一部互聯網通 訊器材。在重複這3件東西多次後,他又說:「你發現了嗎?這不是3件分開的產品,它只是一件,我們稱它做iPhone。」
喬布斯的發布會上總有高潮時刻,而那一刻總會成為全球之後數周的話題。如當年他介紹MacBook Air時,就從一個薄薄的公文袋中把它抽出,這一刻便令人非常難忘。
華盛頓 郵報
Thursday, November 5, 2009
《慳出第一桶金》- 李兆波
《慳出第一桶金》- 李兆波
This is the message I have got throughout the book
>>Self-discipline + Patience+ "Get prepared before it rains "are always important in good financial planning
Points to note:
-personal financial planning is similar to managing your own business
-having surplus every year
- gambling> 莊家出雞你出豉油, 集腋成裘
- some products may have discount in a specific festival
- meal>10% salary, travel expense > 20% salary ( not reasonable)
-if your monthly salary is $30000 but you cannot accumulate $500000 for 10 years > risky
- if your monthly salary is $10000 but you cannot accumulate $200000 for 10 years > risky
-income-expense (can be controlled)= saving (not for spending)
- Needs Vs Wants
-Asset ( visible but may be just an illusion) - libility ( always invisible) = equtiy ( the real amount of what you get)
- return of acquiring properties may not as good as acquiring stocks, the aim of acquiring properties is rarely getting back the cost but for capital gain( the property value increases)
- 90% mortgage> living on the margin, leveraged living ( risky to have negative asset when the interest rate increases/ the property value decreases)
- acquiring properties > pay property tax, land rent, management fee, rates, maintenance cost, interest to the bank, pay to lawyers, agents, developers> rent cannot compensate what you spend, the return may not positive if you rely mortgage to acquire properties
-60% total asset > only one property> risky
-40% monthly salary for property> mistake
- first mortgage>interest rate > P-x% ; second mortgage > interest rate> P%
-maintenance cost 5-10% property value > reasonable
-Sell Home Ownership Scheme ( HOS) flats> involve premium payment ( a kind of land tax)> the property value remains? > better buy private flats
-compare rent with the sum of interest, security rate, land rent, maintanence & management fee ( the real expense associated after purchasing the flat)
- rent Vs expense after acquire the flat( more or less the same) , the difference> principal you pay is what you own
-pay all the interest in advance? > not necessary-you can make use of the amount to investment and get the return to cover the interest ( or even saving account P% > interest rate you pay P-x% )
-indirect investment > fund> better for one who has no time/knowledge for investment
- the fund fee charged is unrelated to its performance (i.e. return)
-the entertainment fee should not exceed 1/10 of your salary
- MBA/ PhD > commercialized
- offspring's monetary return in the future= dividend?? > wrong direction
-loan : property> interest decreases with the remain principal
tax loan> compound interest every day / simple interest for a year = flat rate- the most expensive) if both annual interest rate are the same ( so better save each month to deal with the salary tax)
-car > parking fee 1500-2000, fuels 102/km, license 4000-6000, insurance 2000/year, maintanence, depreciation 20% per year> assume 15000km/year> $3250/month ( $5/km)
-fortex, margin> high risk (currency exchange rate changes)
-commodities> buy existing ones but avoid futures> high risk
-weighting of stock among your asset ( 100%-your current age%)
-risk diversification ( different industries- imperfectly correlated, different regions)
-warrant, one-day stock> high risk
-Investment bank> IPO> beautify financial report> the higher the stock price, the larger the commission of investment bank
-stock monthly investment plan ( admin fees, extra fee, transaction cost > 5%) so buy as a lump sum is better
-dividend per share/price per share = dividend rate周息率 or股息率
-ageing problem> huge medical expenses (govt) in the future > buy medical insurance when you are young> cheaper
Haha, I really love those 3 Doraremon stories quoted in the book :)
When I searched his books on Google, I have found this article
大錢題 : 捱上的波兒 李兆波 (2009.5.7 壹周刊 第1000期)
於 中 大 教 會 計 的 李 兆 波 , 從 小 到 大 都 是 慳 精 , 上 週 他 向 記 者 批 評 運 輸 署 剛 推 出 耗 資 逾 百 萬 元 的 「 公 共 交 通 查 詢 服 務 」 無 料 到 , 搜 尋 的 路 線 並 非 最 快 最 平 。 記 者 問 他 如 何 由 大 埔 去 北 角 才 平 靚 正 , 他 恍 似 電 腦 上 身 , 「 坐 74X 到 大 老 山 隧 道 , 再 轉 680 過 海 。 」
土 瓜 灣 去 鴨 脷 洲 呢 ? 「 搭 116 去 鵝 頸 橋 , 嗰 度 有 幾 架 巴 士 到 鴨 脷 洲 。 」 以 為 他 出 入 靠 公 共 交 通 工 具 才 如 此 精 明 , 但 原 來 他 每 日 自 己 駕 車 。 如 此 熟 路 , 皆 因 以 往 四 圍 去 替 人 補 習 搵 外 快 。
就 是 憑 着 這 股 死 慳 死 抵 的 精 神 , 他 捱 過 年 少 屋 企 攞 綜 援 及 家 人 自 殺 的 低 潮 , 工 作 七 年 單 靠 儲 錢 , 已 成 為 百 萬 富 翁 。 現 時 每 週 三 天 於 電 台 及 報 章 , 開 宗 名 義 教 人 慳 出 個 未 來 。
李 兆 波 檔 案
約 40 歲
90 年 初 迦 密 中 學 畢 業 , 中 大 讀 物 理
96 年 考 獲 會 計 師 資 格
99-06 年 中 文 大 學 會 計 學 院 講 師
06-08 年 轉 到 浸 會 大 學 , 任 教 會 計
08 年 回 巢 中 大 , 晉 升 為 高 級 講 師
10am 只 揸 九 龍 車
李 兆 波 每 天 出 門 前 , 第 一 件 事 是 瀏 覽 多 個 商 場 的 網 頁 , 查 看 有 否 最 新 優 惠 。 「 我 專 揀 偏 遠 商 場 消 費 , 好 似 荷 里 活 同 奧 海 城 , 大 商 場 生 意 好 唔 憂 做 , 着 數 唔 多 。 」 最 近 荷 里 活 廣 場 慶 祝 兒 童 節 , 只 須 出 示 小 朋 友 相 片 , 便 可 免 費 泊 車 , 他 不 介 意 面 懵 問 同 事 借 嬰 兒 相 , 「 我 連 個 小 朋 友 係 男 定 女 都 唔 記 得 。 」
他 每 天 駕 車 , 但 絕 不 過 海 , 每 次 到 中 環 開 會 , 情 願 在 九 龍 站 的 Elements 停 車 場 泊 車 , 再 乘 一 個 港 鐵 站 到 中 環 , 「 Elements 泊 車 每 小 時 八 元 , 係 同 區 商 場 最 平 , 揸 車 隧 道 費 來 回 要 四 十 元 , 仲 未 計 中 環 泊 車 嘅 費 用 。 」
算 死 草 的 他 , 為 了 連 泊 車 費 也 省 下 , 會 趁 機 在 商 場 購 物 換 免 費 泊 車 , 可 惜 這 商 場 名 店 林 立 , 惟 獨 萬 寧 才 獲 他 垂 青 , 「 買 滿 一 百 八 十 元 有 免 費 泊 車 六 小 時 , 買 日 常 用 品 就 搞 掂 。 」
2pm 食 飯 用 盡 優 惠 券
他 慣 了 早 餐 吃 得 很 飽 , 待 下 午 二 時 才 吃 午 飯 , 「 兩 點 後 唔 使 同 人 逼 , 仲 可 以 食 下 午 茶 平 啲 。 」 其 銀 包 內 還 有 一 大 疊 食 肆 優 惠 券 , 以 便 隨 時 使 用 , 「 太 興 燒 味 券 每 張 五 十 元 , 買 滿 十 張 有 九 折 。 我 食 一 個 午 餐 三 十 元 , 剩 番 嘅 錢 再 斬 燒 味 夜 晚 食 。 」
小 時 候 同 學 笑 他 窮 , 著 衫 老 土 , 他 卻 不 以 為 意 , 「 人 哋 笑 你 唔 緊 要 , 捱 過 咗 , 生 活 就 會 好 。 」 自 幼 喪 父 的 他 , 一 家 四 口 住 樂 民 新 邨 , 靠 綜 援 維 生 , 母 親 獨 力 養 大 他 們 三 兄 弟 。 要 斷 窮 根 , 他 深 信 知 識 可 改 變 命 運 , 「 讀 書 叻 , 解 決 好 多 問 題 。 」
中 五 會 考 獲 3A5B , 一 年 後 拔 尖 入 中 大 念 喜 愛 的 物 理 系 , 但 興 趣 不 能 當 飯 食 , 畢 業 後 即 拿 獎 學 金 , 再 讀 中 大 的 工 商 管 理 碩 士 , 同 時 花 了 三 年 時 間 , 自 修 考 獲 會 計 師 牌 照 。 偏 偏 他 卻 沒 打 算 在 薪 金 更 豐 厚 的 金 融 界 打 滾 , 情 願 在 大 學 一 步 步 捱 上 去 , 「 做 會 計 係 人 工 高 , 但 唔 夠 教 書 穩 定 同 自 由 。 」
母 親 從 小 教 他 要 管 數 , 「 就 算 買 支 水 都 要 我 記 低 , 習 慣 咗 就 唔 敢 亂 用 錢 。 」 這 習 慣 至 今 維 持 了 三 十 年 , 「 你 有 無 識 人 好 似 我 咁 自 律 ? 」
記 者 學 他 照 做 , 捱 了 一 個 月 已 放 棄 , 他 笑 笑 口 說 : 「 好 多 人 見 自 己 買 得 多 嘢 , 唔 想 面 對 就 索 性 唔 記 , 呢 個 係 大 部 分 人 放 棄 嘅 死 症 。 」 他 每 月 至 少 將 一 半 薪 金 儲 起 , 畢 業 工 作 僅 七 年 , 月 薪 約 四 萬 元 的 他 , 已 儲 了 一 百 萬 元 。
他 購 物 慾 近 乎 零 , 百 分 百 清 楚 「 想 要 」 和 「 需 要 」 的 分 別 。 例 如 他 愛 攝 影 , 但 用 了 七 年 格 價 , 上 月 才 捨 得 買 人 生 首 部 二 萬 多 元 的 單 鏡 反 光 機 。
買 機 這 盛 事 , 他 選 在 閒 日 落 手 , 「 唔 同 地 區 嘅 電 器 分 店 , 送 嘅 贈 品 都 唔 同 , 旺 區 嘅 售 貨 員 , 唔 會 送 咁 多 贈 品 搏 你 幫 襯 。 」 結 果 他 選 在 Elements 購 買 , 「 其 他 店 鋪 可 減 價 一 千 元 , 但 我 做 埋 商 場 會 員 , 送 現 金 券 同 一 晚 酒 店 套 房 , 總 值 二 千 元 。 」
4pm 捐 錢 悼 亡 兄
不 用 教 書 的 日 子 , 李 兆 波 會 到 各 區 中 學 , 義 務 教 學 生 如 何 理 財 。 他 引 用 近 期 大 熱 的 港 男 港 女 做 例 子 , 「 如 果 你 男 女 朋 友 好 大 使 , 同 你 理 財 觀 念 唔 同 , 飛 咗 佢 啦 。 」
記 者 指 香 港 如 此 多 「 黎 三 萬 」 , 他 這 樣 慳 家 , 能 否 找 到 理 財 觀 念 相 近 的 另 一 半 , 他 以 「 非 常 私 人 」 為 理 由 , 堅 拒 不 答 , 只 說 現 時 一 個 人 獨 居 。
除 了 母 親 , 離 世 的 哥 哥 對 他 理 財 觀 念 影 響 至 深 。 其 長 兄 較 他 大 兩 歲 , 中 五 畢 業 已 做 廚 房 養 家 , 供 養 他 和 弟 弟 讀 書 , 「 佢 搵 錢 唔 多 , 但 好 捨 得 俾 零 用 錢 我 哋 , 亦 都 好 肯 幫 人 。 」
直 到 他 大 學 畢 業 , 原 以 為 一 家 人 終 有 安 穩 生 活 , 豈 料 哥 哥 突 然 因 情 緒 病 自 殺 , 令 他 大 受 打 擊 。 為 紀 念 亡 兄 , 他 每 年 以 無 名 氏 身 份 捐 錢 給 母 校 迦 密 中 學 , 條 件 是 領 獎 學 生 要 成 績 好 又 家 境 清 貧 , 「 佢 哋 先 會 珍 惜 , 捐 出 嘅 錢 唔 會 浪 費 。 」
平 時 循 規 蹈 矩 的 他 , 原 來 亦 曾 迷 失 , 九 七 年 金 融 風 暴 學 人 炒 窩 輪 , 輸 了 十 萬 元 , 成 為 一 生 最 錯 決 定 , 「 當 時 搵 錢 好 易 , 開 頭 賺 咗 錢 , 好 快 又 輸 番 。 」 自 此 他 只 買 高 息 藍 籌 股 作 長 線 投 資 , 現 時 持 有 恒 生 、 中 石 油 等 股 票 , 每 年 股 息 豐 厚 , 「 我 投 資 賺 了 錢 , 先 會 獎 勵 自 己 去 旅 行 。 」
他 說 有 五 百 萬 元 已 夠 退 休 , 記 者 問 他 是 否 已 儲 夠 彈 藥 , 他 笑 而 不 答 。 但 他 如 此 慳 家 , 我 代 他 答 : 夠 有 突 !
學 者 之 中 , 以 往 雷 鼎 鳴 被 譽 為 慳 精 , 今 日 李 兆 波 大 有 後 來 居 上 之 勢 。 惟 他 指 與 雷 鼎 鳴 不 認 識 , 自 問 難 作 比 較 。
這 張 嬰 兒 相 , 為 他 慳 回 每 小 時 十 二 元 的 泊 車 費 。
他 覺 得 數 碼 相 機 質 素 不 及 菲 林 機 , 因 此 等 足 七 年 , 見 到 一 部 似 樣 的 才 買 。
他 以 慳 錢 為 樂 趣 , 每 週 到 電 台 教 人 搵 着 數 , 「 我 啲 朋 友 冇 咁 嘅 興 趣 。 」
And I also found a video of him, actually these are the Lifelong learning seminars from OUHK, there are also other guest speakers as well.I remember what one of my favourite professors said "Most of the jobs can be done by computer, but what computer cannot replace is experience." And I believe sometimes learning from other experience is also a shortcut to success and it also help you to aviod making the same mistakes as well. That's why I think the videos are quite worth watching.
this is the link>>>> &LANG=chi
He is also interviewed by TVB. The interviewer seems to be very surprised.
My Methods to Save Money:
Frankly speaking, I also record my transactions on a daily basis. Actually, my entertainment expense is almost zero when my busy semester starts. Thus, I normally just spend on my transportation and meals. ( I really hate HKUST canteen, it is more expensive than CUHK, I need to spend a minimum$20 for my lunch) And I always use octopus card for transactions. So, it is easier to just record the imput amount of my card.
I keep my purse holding a limited amount ( average $150-250) of cash in order to remind myself to control my cash flow.
As for the credit card, normally I don't use it because I hate the bill. I only use it when there are some discounts and I used it to pay my course fees outside school. Actually this is kind of killing two birds with a stone. The advantages are accummulating cash dollars ( it allowed me to get 1 book for free at Commercial Press last time!) and when using BOC credit card, it contributes a certain percentage to HKUST for education purposes.
Besides, I also fully utilize the Continuing Education Fund. ( $10000 maximum) I have registered Mandarin and Japanese courses which are for public exams and once I pass the exam, I can get back 80% of both course fee and exam fee. ( haha, I have already passed the Mandarin exam, my money is coming back :) It is wiser to take these courses outside school as HKUST doesn't provide these courses for free. Besides, I normally buy products directly without using the monthly payment method as I feel more secured to do so.
And I never buy the bottle of water, I always bring my own bottle and I can fill the water by using drinking machine @ UST for free.
And I usually takes 2 buses to UST in order to get the benefits from Bus-Bus Interchange Discount Scheme.
I was once forced by my mum to spend $5 for Mark Six, and it is so cool that none of the number was drawn...and since then, I never walk into the Jockey Club. If I want to donate money, I think there can be another way...
I once would like to get a new laptop since it is too heavy to bring it to school but I have suppressed my desire for a few months. Ulitmately, my desire expired. I have spent my money on buying stocks.
I have two accounts at the same bank. I always use online banking system to manage my money. One account is for withdrawing cash from the ATM machine. Another account is for saving and investing. If I have excess money, I will transfer it to the latter account. In normal case, I won't transfer it back to my cash account.
I seldom talk on mobile phone and text sms, I prefer phone card to paying monthly phone fees. It can save a lot as I normally add values once for 2-3 months. I never drink wines and I hate cigarettes or even the smokers, these help me save a lot.
Also, if I buy a book which has a simplified chinese version, I prefer the simplified Chinese version to traditional Chinese since it is much cheaper.
It is a SUPER LONG entry =.='''
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