Saturday, November 14, 2009

《來參加巴菲特股東會》- Randy Cepuch


A Weekend with Warren Buffett And Other Shareholder Meeting Adventures -Randy Cepuch

The book illustrates the author's experience of attending annual shareholders' meetings of a wide array of companies i.e. Berkshire Hathaway, Playboy, Starbucks, Disney, Microsoft,Google, Wal-Mart etc.

Frankly speaking, it is not as entertaining as I expected. (at least I didn't laugh when reading it and tedium prevails) It provides a small insight towards corporate governance and it shows specific company cultures to a certain extent and gives you some rough ideas of how the senior managers and directors performmed in different companies but overall it is not very precise and informative.

The idea that I can get from the book is ...a shareholder meeting may be a useful source of investment information, but only if shareholders pose intelligent questions and the managers and directors are willing to give forthright responses. Unluckily, this rarely happens. The Berkshire Hathaway meeting is one of a kind, but the author didn't write a lot about it. I guess it will be more insightful to read Warren Buffett's letters to his shareholders in the Berkshire Hathaway website.
The author is obviously a Buffettologist.

I read the translated version but some translations are blurred. Thus, I  recommend one should read English Version if you can have a choice.


Points to note:

- Find the one you admire, and ask yourself whether you can be like him.

- The real asset of one can own is oneself, so invest more and add values to yourself

-The shares of Berkshire Hathaway : A & B shares

BRK.A (A share) > super expensive ( US$ 102350 on 14/11/09)

BRK.B(B share) > US $ 3,413.98 on 14/11/09

-A share> targets for long-term investor

-B share> used for avoid taxes, allow A-share holder to show partial shares ( price of 1 A share=30 B shares)

-A shares can be converted to B shares but not vice versa.

-Voting right of 1 A share= 1/200 B share

-Both A & B shareholders are invited to join the annual shareholders' meetings

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